After more than 30 years, we offer equal parts experience and enthusiasm for our games. Our experience in markets around the world is the best guarantee for our products. It is our customers who demonstrate the excellence of our tables.

Our experience in the sports machines sector makes us a leading company in the world and a reference in the development of the sector and its evolution.

SAM was one of the companies that turned a world of small cabinetmakers into what we know today. A modern business environment where the support of new technologies and super-technified production are essential to compete in the international market.

Our experience is also very important in advising our clients in choosing the most suitable products and in achieving maximum profitability for them.


We are present on 5 continents! More than one hundred countries around the world enjoy today the billiards, air hockey tables and soccer tables manufactured by SAM in Europe.

SAM‘s recognized quality has allowed us to reach more than 100 countries and become an international guarantee brand. Our pool & billiards tables, soccer tables and air hockey models are successful in the five continents, with exports accounting for 75% of our turnover.

Our customers demand SAM tables from all over the world and specialized magazines are always on the lookout for our latest products. SAM is a trend-setter in the sports machines sector.

Very few companies in this sector have achieved such international projection in such a competitive market. That is why SAM has become a world leader among sports games manufacturers.


Toda la asistencia a nuestros clientes en recambios y componentes. Nuestra red de distribución está preparada para dar servicio a los usuarios en cada país. Además el mantenimiento de nuestros productos resulta poco relevante en relación a la rentabilidad que aportan.

SAM siempre le dará la mejor asistencia en cuanto a instrucciones de montaje, piezas de recambio, asesoramiento técnico y mantenimiento.

Nuestro servicio post-venta, nuestra pagina web y nuestra TIENDA ONLINE le permitirán mantener sus máquinas siempre en perfecto estado y productividad. Algo que los jugadores valoran, los clientes agradecen y garantiza una rentabilidad sostenida.

Visite nuestra sección de INFO TÉCNICA para conocer, nuestras tarjetas elctrónicas, nuestros monederos, y otras informaciones de interés.